Aura tab |
params | JTdCJTIydGl0bGUlMjIlM0ElMjJTaWduJTIwVXAlMjIlN0Q= |
Giving rewards to customers after a successful sign up either from your Sales channel or Member Club adds more value and increase sales conversion. Doing this is quite simple and easy. You can manage it on your Mibo Control Panel > Rewards > Behavior Reward Setup Signing up reward Click desire date on calendar view In popped up page select event Sign up. Select voucher or points type.
Tip |
Note : Changing the value of the type field to voucher will require you to indicate the voucher as well as changing the type to points will require you to indicate the number of points you want to provide to your customers. |
![]( Aura tab |
params | JTdCJTIydGl0bGUlMjIlM0ElMjJQdXJjaGFzZSUyMGFib3ZlJTIwdGhyZXNob2xkJTIyJTdE |
Aura divider |
It’s smart marketing strategy to give more rewards to those customers will purchase above of minimum amount. You can manage it on your Mibo Control Panel > Rewards > Behavior Reward Setup Signing up reward Click desire date on calendar view In popped up page select Purchase above threshold event . Set Minimum Amount value requirement to receive the reward. Select voucher or points type.
Tip |
Note : Changing the value of the type field to voucher will require you to indicate the voucher as well as changing the type to points will require you to indicate the number of points you want to provide to your customers. |
![]( Aura tab |
params | JTdCJTIydGl0bGUlMjIlM0ElMjJSZWZlcnJhbCUyMCUyMiU3RA== |
Referral incentive is a way to entice consumers to spread the word about your products or services. When a reward is included, the probability that your satisfied client would tell a friend about you improves, often dramatically. Setup referral reward Click desire date on calendar view In popped up page select referral event . Select voucher or points type.
Tip |
Note : Changing the value of the type field to voucher will require you to indicate the voucher as well as changing the type to points will require you to indicate the number of points you want to provide to your customers. |
![]( Aura tab |
params | JTdCJTIydGl0bGUlMjIlM0ElMjJQcm9maWxlJTIwVXBkYXRlJTIyJTdE |
Do you have outdated customer database? Profile update reward program is the way to encourage your customer to update their latest information. Setup Profile update reward Click desire date on calendar view In popped up page select Profile Update event . Select profile fields included on the reward program Select voucher or points type.
Tip |
Note : Changing the value of the type field to voucher will require you to indicate the voucher as well as changing the type to points will require you to indicate the number of points you want to provide to your customers. |
![]( Aura tab |
params | JTdCJTIydGl0bGUlMjIlM0ElMjJaYXBpZXIlMjIlN0Q= |
With our Zapier integration, you can give rewards to customers for various activities/events captured from other applications (e.g. Google Forms, etc). Doing this is quite simple and easy. Setup Zapier Click desire date on calendar view In popped up page select Zapier event . Select profile fields included on the reward program Select voucher or points type.
Tip |
Note : Changing the value of the type field to voucher will require you to indicate the voucher as well as changing the type to points will require you to indicate the number of points you want to provide to your customers. |
Set desire availability period of From Date- To date Click on Save button Once you have saved this record, you will see the Behavior Reward Id which you can then use in your Zapier setup.