Mibo gives you the ability to add and manage your Mibo account users. Creating and updating the basic account details are part of managing your users. These users will serve as the person in charge based on the role that you assign to them.
To view the list of users and their details, click My Account > Users on the portal. The page displays the User Access table panel.
The table displays panel displays a table of users with the following information:
Email - indicates the email address of the user.
Name - indicates the name of the user.
Mobile - indicates the mobile number of the user.
Type - indicates the role assigned to the user, which can be one of the following:
Store User
Customer Service
Store - indicates the store to where the user is assigned.
Status - indicates whether the user is active, inactive, or locked.
Action - displays actions that you can do pertaining to the user’s account, such as resetting their password, or deleting their account.