you can Before managing your sales channels, you may first create or sync your sales product to mibo. it also allows you to manage different products. Managing includes creating and updating each product. You can sell or give this products as a reward to your members and valued customersto Mibo.

To manage your products, go to Mibo Control Panel > Sale > Products.

Searching Products

  • Enter the product name on the text box on the Products panel.

  • Click Search to view products based on your input.


You can also search for your products using the category shown below the search area. Just click on the category and the products well be displayed below.

Adding Productdo this, click Sales > Products in Mibo. The following page is displayed.


Searching for products

To search for products, do one of the following in the Products page:

  • Enter the name of the product in the PRODUCT NAME field, and then click Search to view the results.

    Image Added
  • Click a product category to which the product may belong. Products belonging to this category are then displayed.

Adding a product

  • Click Add on the Products panel.

  • In the new page, enter the main product details such as product category, product name and price.

  • Other input options are: Discount and Redeem.
