
Related articles : How Create or Edit Store on Mibo
  1. kiosk.

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  2. In the Allowed Stores field, choose stores to where the kiosk sales channel will be applied.

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Note: To add a new store, refer to the STORES section at Updating Your Profile.

Editing the default channel name

To edit the default channel name, click the Channel Name in the KIOSK tab, enter the preferred channel name, and then click the check button to save your changes.

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Aura tab collection
Aura tab

Enabling and configuring a WooCommerce account

To enable and configure your WooCommerce account for Mibo, follow these steps:

  1. In the WOOCOMMERCE tab, click the Enable radio button to enable WooCommerce. Additional configuration settings are displayed.

  2. Click Download to download the Mibo plugin.

  3. Enter the following information:

    • WooCommerce Site

    • Consumer key - refer to WooCommerce for information on how to get this key.

    • Consumer secret - refer to WooCommerce for information on how to get this information.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

Note: For more information on using WooCommerce with Mibo, refer to WooCommerce.

Editing the default channel name

To edit the default channel name, click the Channel name in the WOOCOMMERCE tab, enter the preferred channel name, and then click the check button to save your changes.

Aura tab

Enabling and configuring a Shopify account

To enable and configure your Shopify account for Mibo, follow these steps:

  1. In the SHOPIFY tab, click the Enable radio button to enable Shopify. Additional configuration settings are displayed.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • Shop Url

    • API key - refer to Shopify for information on how to get this key.

    • Password - refer to Shopify for information on how to get this password.

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Editing the default channel name

To edit the default channel name, click the Channel Name in the SHOPIFY tab, enter the preferred channel name, and then click the check button to save your changes.

Aura tab

Enabling and authorizing a Shopee account

To link your Shopee account to Mibo, authorize Mibo as an open platform app. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the SHOPEE tab, click the Enable radio button to enable Shopify.

  2. Click Authorization. Mibo will redirect you to the Seller Account Shopee Login site.

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  3. Log in to your Shopee account.

  4. Click Confirm Authorization.

Note: For more information, refer to Shopee Open API Authorisation Expiry.

Editing the default channel name

To edit the default channel name, click the Channel Name in the SHOPEE tab, enter the preferred channel name, and then click the check button to save your changes.

Aura tab

Enabling and configuring Tokopedia

To enable Tokopedia, follow these steps:

  1. In the TOKOPEDIA tab, click the Enable radio button to enable Tokopedia. Additional configuration settings are displayed.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • App ID

    • Client ID

    • Client Secret

  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Enabling sync

To enable the syncing of your Tokopedia account, follow these steps:

  1. In the Settings section, click the Enable Sync check box.

  2. Set the Sync From Date.

  3. Click Update.

Editing the default channel name

To edit the default channel name, click the Channel Name in the TOKOPEDIA tab, enter the preferred channel name, and then click the check button to save your changes.

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Aura tab

Whether your business operate on single or on multiple store locations, you can enjoy the leverage of Mibo POS to capture your sales and build your customer database.

Enabling Mibo POS

To enable Mibo POS, click the Enable radio button in the MIBO POS tab. Additional sections are displayed to configure the Mibo POS.

Adding a new POS

To add a new POS, follow these steps:

  1. In the Store’s POS tab, click ADD.

  2. In the pop-up window that appears, enter the POS Name.

  3. Select the Store location of the new POS.

  4. Click Save.

Note: To add a new store, refer to the STORES section at Updating Your Profile.

Editing the POS name and store

To edit the POS name, click the specific POS name in the list of POS, enter the preferred POS name, and then click the check button to save your changes.

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To change the store location of the POS, select the correct store from the Store dropdown list.


Deleting a POS

To delete a POS, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the POS that you want to delete.

  2. Click the delete or trash icon.

  3. In the confirmation window that appears, click Yes.

Editing the default channel name

To edit the default channel name, click the Channel Name in the MIBO POS tab, enter the preferred channel name, and then click the check button to save your changes.

Aura tab

Kiosk has been introduced on in Mibo for those businesses that willing want to establish their customer loyalty program and reward their customers in more a quicker operational method.

Enable Mibo Kiosk

Click on

Enabling the Kiosk

To enable your kiosk in Mibo, follow these steps:

  1. In the KIOSK tab, click the Enable radio button to enable

  • Click Allowed Stores section that Kiosk sales channel suppose to be available on

  • Select desire stores

  • Click on tick button to save selected store

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