Viewing coupon reports

Viewing coupon reports

When a coupon reward is available and the process of sending the coupons to the selected recipients has been started, you can view the coupon reports to see how many coupons have been distributed and used, and the coupon reward’s use rate.

To view coupon reports, follow these steps:

  1. On the Coupon panel, click an available coupon reward. The following coupon details and tabs are displayed.

  2. Click the REPORTS tab.

In this page, you can view the following information in the first table:

  • Total Coupons - refers to the total number of coupons distributed to the customers.

  • Total Coupons Used - refers to the total number of coupons that have been used by the customers.

  • Coupon Use Rate - refers to the percentage of coupons that have been used so far.

The second table displays the same information listed above as well as the number of coupons used on certain weeks and months after the coupon distribution was started.