Mibo is tested to work with WooCommerce version 4.0.1 and above. If you encounter problems linking your WooCommerce installation with Mibo, please contact Mibo support for assistance.
Note: The guide below is based on WooCommerce version 4.0.1. Please use the relevant WooCommerce guide if using a different version.
Getting the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret details
The Consumer Key and the Consumer Secret details are used to enable the WooCommerce sales channel in your Mibo account. To get these details, follow these steps:
Go to WooCommerce > Settings.
Click the Advanced tab, and the select the REST API option.
Click Add Key to create a new Key & Secret pair.
Follow the instructions to complete the steps and obtain the Consumer Key and the Consumer Secret details.
Use these details to enable the WooCommerce sales channel in Mibo. For more information, refer to the WooCommerce tab at Managing your sales channels.
Installing the Mibo plugin
After enabling the WooCommerce sales channel in Mibo, download and install the Mibo plugin on your WooCommerce system. To do this, follow these steps:
In Mibo, go to My Account > Sales Channel > WOOCOMMERCE.
Click the Download button.
In your WooCommerce system, go to Plugins > Add New.
Click Upload Plugin and then upload the Mibo plugin file.
Follow the instructions to complete the plugin upload.
Note: The Mibo Plugin also requires the following WooCommerce plugins installed on your WooCommerce system:
WooCommerce Deposits
WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips